Monday, December 7, 2009
A Little Book Talk...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
A Huntington We Will Go...
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
MacLAren: Stroller Recall, Also Saftey Then and Now
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Here are the pics we decided to use for the Gap Casting call. You can vote once day I believe for each kid. Please vote for the first Myla picture because they cant combine the pic votes. Thanks everyone! have a good week and don't forget to vote every day. After the first initial time, it's just a click, so don't let that hinder your clicker fingers.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Fall Weather & Trips for November
- For picnics, and just snack toting- food and milk doesn't get spoiled as quickly, you might even get away with not having to bring a cooler. A lot of baby bags have insulated stuff- that keeps the hot things hot and the cold things cold.
- Socks. I just like socks.
- Layering. Some summer stuff can be layered, light pants can go under dresses, boys long sleeved shirts can go under tee shirts etc. I love Baby Legs. Baby Leg Warmers that you can throw over leggings, under dresses, even wear on arms (yours or your kid's!) And when you are trying to make a quick diaper change, they make it much easier.
- You can stay out longer. You don't have to worry about little ones getting sun stroke and heat exposure. Also, the little ones are less likely to get tired right away.
- Places to go are less crowded and busy.
- Everything is pretty much cheaper, admission, flights (except for the days before and after major holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas.), hotel room rates, etc.
- Souvenirs from little trips during the cooler seasons make great Holiday gifts. So, multi task and do some small holiday shopping (be sure you can pack it on the plane!)
Monday, October 5, 2009
Will Work for Travel
- Consumer Surveys (25-65 usd an hour, about 1-3 hours)
- consignment stores for the girls old clothes (about 100-200 bucks a drop off)
- seasonal part-time retail position
- enter free contests
- rebates, coupon cutting (this is very time consuming, but you will be surprised how much it adds up.)
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Road Trip Tips!!
Portions of this post can also be seen on my Examiner Entry
As you know, we just came back from our five day Redwoods Trip. I am a packing fiend, especially for the kiddos. But my weakness has always been the overnight trip, or the short, domestic trip. I can fit both girls and my things in a 40 liter backpack for two months in foreign countries, but for a four day road trip I pack the rented Volkswagon Reuton with 5 shopping bags of food, three bags for personal stuff, two backpacks, a case of diapers, a cooler and a case of water, bedding and two strollers. For some reason, I always take too much on the short trips. It's as if my brain is saying, "We will definitely use THIS. We don't want to have to go back and pay overblown tourist prices for something simple." It really is living in luxury as they call it.
A few awesome snacks I recommend for road trips?
Two items that you can open, and toss over your toddler:
Snack trap cups with Cheerios or Gerber Puffs.
Squeezy Applesauce
Juice Boxes
Stuff we had in our cooler:
Half and Half (for me and Papa's coffee)
Case of foil wrapped juice packets
8 diet sodas
3 energy drinks.
4 yogurts
squeezy applesauce
bottled waters
Extra tips: Have your hotel info and/or vouchers, maps, paper information in one designated place, so much easier than digging.
I also like to put the designated gas money or card, in that folder or envelope also, so that I know I don't spend it on other stuff that isn't gas, also this way, we don't have to worry about it on the trip itself.
Make sure you have what you need for baby within an arms reach of you, in case you need to reach him.
Clear a spot in the trunk (if you are taking a van, this is especially helpful) where you can change diapers. If you are taking a car, make a changing station that can easil be folded or rolled up and put on the ground where you can make a quick change. Have all this stuff handy, diapers, wipes bags.
Bring your own trash bags and dispose of everything properly. Be a responsible visitor.
Driving tips:
Make sure you are both agreed on driving and being able to pull over and switch when you are tired.
Find something interesting where you should stop, if there is anything. Most of the time there is. These are the stops where you can see an Alien Diner, use the restroom, change diapers, feed the kids that need to be fed. Of course, if you are breastfeeding, your stops need to be more frequent, as we did this on our first road trip to Utah when Myles was 5 weeks old. Making the journey part of the trip makes all the stops worth it.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Back From Long Beach
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Quick Overnite to Long Beach
- Tickets to Aquarium are $18.95 USD. (Five dollars off, normally $23.95 USD if you buy them online ahead of time. ) $37.90 USD
- Gas will be about $25.00 USD.
- Hotel for us, is going to be about $80.00 USD.
- Food Budget $40.00 a Day
Saturday, August 8, 2009
CARES Harness...
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Two Worlds Converge: Super Geek and Super Mom
Before my little beans were born, I never noticed the attendees who mumbled under their breath, every time a baby made a sound in a theatre, or during a panel. I never noticed how many times people exhaled in discontent every time the wheels of a stroller touched their feet in the crowded exhibit hall.
But it happens.
San Diego Comic-Con is, it’s the largest ever convention of its kind- celebrating the popular arts. Comic Books, Movies, video games, role playing games- anything and everything that at one point touched Comics or Science Fiction. It’s set up for about a quarter of a million people, at the San Diego Convention Center. The exhibit hall is where people are hawking their comics, books, costumes, zombie contact lenses... and major companies like Warner Brothers (who incidently, had a wonderful display of “Where The Wild Things Are” to advertise their new movie based on the popular Chilren’s Book. Nickelodeon had a Tribute to Sponge Bob Square Pants. Snoopy and Pikachu were walking around one of the days.
The other rooms are set up for panels and trailers and interviews with famous people and shows. there are workshops for people in the business. The panels go from The cast of Twilight to a small writer's circle with intimate Q and A's.
My conclusion, after bringing Myla when she was 3 months, and then when she was 20 months and then now when she is two as well as Emily when she is 8 months, is this: UNLESS NECESSARY, DON'T BRING YOUR BABIES. Kids over 7 maybe are great to bring on kids day, but anything under probably shouldn't attend...
Here are the reasons why:
1. After seeing Brobee from Yo Gabba Gabba, although they will enjoy it for a moment and get their picture, there really isn't much more for them to do.
2. It's way to crowded. Like horribly crowded. Germs. Toes. Arms. Legs. Not a great place to take the buggers. Now, when Myles was little, we carried her in the carrier and we also had her in the stroller. But when she got older, all she wanted to do was run around. And with god reason, there were people dressed up, big kids running around like little kids. To the two year old eye, it looks like a safe place for them to play. But it's a different kind of play. And it's really hard to explain this to an anxious Toddler.
3. There are no facilities for people with babies. They do not have a place for people to breast feed (I asked) and they said it was up to the conventions to set those up. Comic Con does not set any aside- which is again, understandable. My one complaint about this, is there are a LOT of babies there. Also, there are no changing facilities. I am fine changing babies on the floor, but something irked me about seeing all of these moms in corners changing their babies like it was a dirty shame to have one around.
4. Babies make a lot of noise. During panels, people who attend Comic-Con sometimes have to wait in line for hours to get into some of these panels, and when they are trying to hear Brucs Campbell talk, they don't want to hear a crying baby. Or even a babbling, happy baby. Music to MY ears, but not to your average 2009 Super Geek Model.
So these are some of my reasons as to why you shouldn't bring your beloved ham hocks to San Diego Comic Con... I have in the past, brought an infant (under one) and she was fine in the stroller or the carrier, but toddlers definitely a reconsider. Please, if there are great reasons as to why you SHOULD or have brought your toddlers and infants to Comic Con, please put them here! I would love to hear your input.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Redwoods National Park: Planning Continued
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Budget & Funding
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Redwoods National Park ROADTRIP!

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Day Trip To Seal Beach, CA

Favorite Baby Store of Late...
Monday, July 6, 2009
Why We Love Summer... From a Family on a Tight Budget
Monday, June 22, 2009
A Recon Trip to REI...
We were on a mission today to find the Kelty, Transit. It's a baby carrier/backpack for babies a little bit older, can hold up to 40 pounds of baby. I forget how much I love this store. It has EVERYTHING you could possibly need... we found kids backpacks (REI Squirt, has a H20 system/hose) and the types of shoes we plan on packing with us. The shoes we want to have are trail running shoes, and also waterproof type sandal shoes for the girls. Of course, we are partial to Eagle Creek for our actual rucksacks. Going tonight made me realize just how much stuff we are going to need for this trip. They didn't have the Kelty's but we put our name on the list for the end of the month. I could have stayed the whole time looking at the First Aid Kit Stuff. But on another note, individually wrapped things are much nicer for a person packing a bunch of stuff. Not that great for the environment, but great for your comfort while on the road.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Back from Disneyland...
Monday, June 8, 2009
Safety Tips on The Road...Excerpt from Travel Guide for Toddlers and Infants
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
I Think We Found Our Good Cause...
Monday, June 1, 2009
And the Winner of the "No Touch Monkey" Book Contest
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Packing for Disneyland... "It's A Small World After All..."
I love that song.
- Are we driving or taking a plane?
- How long is the trip?
- What will I be carrying with me at all times? The kids?
- What's the weather going to be like? (
- Are we on a budget and taking food in? Drinks? (Check with your destination about what is acceptable to bring in, some places don't allow you to bring certain things, but with infants there might be exceptions.)
- What are my baby's essentials? (Allergies, special creams, prescriptions etc.) Do we have enough of that?
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009

We had a family photo shoot in lovely Balboa Park, in our hometown of San Diego. It was a beautiful day and the girls were glad to be outside. Anton, who is my cousin and friend- did a WONDERFUL job. If anyone is in the market for a photographer, he has a GREAT eye, and is very professional. You can't even tell that Myla was running away every chance she got. Please give him a try! Here is the link for the website, as well as the pics from out photo shoot. http://radcaptures.smugmug
Friday, May 22, 2009
Europe Trip 2010 Itinerary...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Decline in Airline Attendants and their Service
Nothing exciting...
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Win a GREAT Summer Reading Book! NO TOUCH MONKEY By Ayun Halliday

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Keeping Mosquitoes and other Annoying Biting Flies Off Your Family!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Baby Changing Stations
A lot of countries are child friendly. For changing stations, we were pleasantly surprised how nice the UK was about having changing stations in the major attractions. For instance, in Edinburgh, Scotland, the castle had an over the top changing station. It turned one of the castle rooms into this baby changing hexagon. Within the walls of the castle, temporary walls were set up (like bathroom stall walls). There was a sink with very hot water, changing tables, benches, plenty of paper towels, and rocking chairs for nursing mothers. In their eatery, there was a baby food/bottle warmer, they sold baby food as well as other things.